Saturday, February 27, 2010

Packages & Updates

I haven't been updating as much so my packages keep piling up. Here are my latest ones:

Mini Sock Package - January '09
Package Jan '10

Mini Sock Package - December '09
Mini Sock package

Latest JBW package

Oh, and remember I mentioned I was making Hederas last year. Well, I just finished ONE sock recently. I don't know why I'm taking so long, just haven't been feeling motivated with this pattern. Also, I think doing a lacey pattern like this takes alot of concentration. Hmm, this probably only applies to me as the pattern is pretty simple.... but I still mess it up more often than I should. I haven't cast on for the other half yet...
Hedera - O N E

I'm currently back to working on the Featherweight cardi.... will post a photo soon.

Ravelympics 2010

I finished my project for Ravelympics last night. I made a Thermis cowl with Lorna's Laces Worsted Multi. I love the yarn...... so soft and squishy.... not scratchy at all. The pattern was easy to work with, I didn't have any problems with it.

Thermis - wip

Finished Thermis

The colourway is "Amy's Vintage Office".

Keeping with the Olympic theme, I made some mini mittens. They're finished except I still have to stitch on the circles logo on them.

Mini mitts

Mini Mitts

A cute way to have a bit of the Olympics with you. I have a pair on my bag.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy 2010..... so late!


Yes, I know.... it's already February and most people have already settled in the new year and have gotten used to writing 2010 instead of 2009. But it's the first post of the year for me sooooooo.... hope you all have a wonderful 2010. :)

I have got quite a bit to share but since I don't have the photos yet, I won't write about the projects I've completed. The only pic I have with me is this one:

This was my November sock kit and it came with a bonus project too. Cool. :) I haven't gotten a chance to knit the sock yet but planning to soon.

I took a vacation in Dec/Jan and bought some yarn to add to my stash:

In the pile, there's some Peaches and Cream cotton yarn, Lorna's Laces in bulky, RYC Classic and Berocco Vintage yarns. My stash is growing... LOL, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :P I also bought a small Knowknits drawstring pouch in purple. Cute but I don't have a picture to show.