Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm so excited....

.... and I just can't hide it. la la la la la..... :D

I'm moving on and decided to try to knit some wearables. My knitting has been limited to scrubbies and dishcloth. I'm currently working on slippers, but NOW I'm moving on to bigger projects! YAY!! I placed my order yesterday for some yummy sock yarn from Jimmy Beans Wool. I'll be on pins and needles until it arrives. =P

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Amis

I made these for my niece & nephew:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eeek... too many!

I think I'm working on too many projects at once. I keep seeing new things I want to make, then I start a new project and then the current one goes on hold. OH NO, I hope this will pass..... I need to finish my WIPs first before I get overwhelmed!! I only have 3 WIPs so far but there's so many other projects out there that's tempting me.

Haha, what I need right now is another pair of hands and more time. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Current Projects

I haven't had much time to crochet/knit lately. I started 3 projects since my last post:

Ripple Shawl -I started this in an online class and was supposed to finish already. But it's kind of on hold now since I started another project, shopaholic bag. I will continue this after the shopaholic bag is finished.

Shopaholic bag - I'm going on a mini vacation during Easter. This bag would be great to carry to the beach or poolside. So I gotta finish it soon!

Fishy tawashi - This was a spontaneous project that was really quick and fun to knit. I didn’t have size 9 needles so I used size10 instead. I love the size, big enough to comfortably hold and scrub pots and pans. For the loop on the tail, I did 28 chains with the 2 colours. The fishy tawashis are soooo CUTE! I’m thinking of making more in different colours and giving away to some of my friends. :)

Here's the fishy (wip):