Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Projects

Some other things I forgot to mention:

Knitted Slippers - For wearing in the home

Apple Protectors - Cute and it prevents my apples from scratches and bruises when in transit.

Tawashis & Socks!

Hmm, so it's been a while since my last post. On a lazy Sunday afternoon, I made these tawashis:

They are so easy and quick to make, I ended up making six of them! So now my Mom has lots of tawashis lined up waiting to be used.

Also, I've now started knitting my first pair of socks. The yarn I ordered online arrived last week. When I opened the package and saw the sock yarn and size 1 needles, I thought everything looked so cute. They were so tiny and looked almost too pretty to be used. I loved the colours and the cotton and soy yarns just felt cool to the touch.

Even though I read through the pattern a couple of times, I still had some parts I was unsure about. I was wondering if the pattern is too advanced for my beginner skills but yesterday I got some of the kinks sorted out. So I've cast on and started knitting. The needles feel so small..... almost like long toothpicks. I'm just enjoying my first sock knitting experience. :) :)

Here's what I ordered:

Crystal Palace Panda Cotton Prints - Strawberry and Lime

Crystal Palace Panda Soy Prints - Cocoa Mint

Crystal Palace Bamboo 16" circulars